sunday blues #1

I just have one word to describe this weekend, Amazing. Apart from a few hours yesterday i´ve felt good. The weather has been absolutely fanastic so I have spent so much time out in the sun I now look like a tomato.
I also ate an amazing lunch, my favorite kind of sandwich, salami and brie.
Saturday evening was very cosy, I spent it with some diet coke, my baby cat and of course my best friend netflix. Just started watching Suits an i´m in love. I love their humor and I kinda connect with Donna, she is so cocky and hilarious.
But every weekend must come to an end and I like to finish mine of with a pamper evening. And that´s what i´m doing right now. Face mask, white nailpolish, blogplanning and some more diet coke.
Hope you all had a great weekend.
May 2014 | |